14 June 2010

Ops, We Did It Again!

It is Saturday and it is time to make up and dress up! No more boring and plain working outfit! Let's declare Saturday & Sunday  as our DressUp Day! Put on your hot pants, or Summer dress with an oversized shades or funky top to celebrate Saturday & Sunday! Hoorayyy! Go out and have fun with your girl friends since these are the only days that we can catch up with them. Psssttt... catch up in these case means that do the shopping :p Hahahaha But why can't we shop? It is not a sin anyway. We are doing the very right way to make our self look pretty. Isn't that cool? Be pretty and youthful. It is a way that you can reward yourself after 5 days of work. Right?? :D
p/s: I look fat in these pictures! Sigh
Nadia & Me

Nena & me

Credits to Nena for this artwork
 p/s: The pink shoes already mine! heeee :D

Misschqa Mustafa
From top to toe: Unbranded :D

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