21 July 2011

Food, Fruit & Friends

I was craving for Nasi Daun Pisang, Durian and Pavlova. So last week was the hunting time for all of those crave-ness. I told Farhan a few times about this, and never thought that we could managed to hunt down those 3 things in one time. But, of all that crave things, what I love the most is, I got a chance to spend my weekend with all of my crazy friends. Doesn't that sound cool and pretty? :D

Banana Leave Rice at Nirwana, Bangsar.

As usual. My tummy is as big as his.

Perut kenyang hati senang :D

Gotong-royong session at Gombak's flat. A new tenant is coming in, so we decided to help him out in making up the house.

Our snacks during the gotong-royong session :D Pavlova & Macademia Cheese Caramel. Yumm!

Yay! The house is all cleaned!

Love Love Love!

These 2 crazy chicks, they are all set for durian hunting! Yay!

Durian Buffet at SS2. Eat till you drop.

Petua orang tua-tua :p

Mission accomplished!


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