10 April 2012

Hello April!

Hi there! I am now back on track. This blog has been abandoned for almost 3 weeks. Too bad I didn't have any entry to be posted after the last one. I feel kind of bad about it. Actually, I came down with chicken pox for the past 2 weeks, slowly recover, and today I feel so much better. It upset me when I got sick at the near date to my wedding but seeing those shingles slowly recovered and vanished, (especially the ones on my face) I feel a bit relieved. Though they seem not 100% cleared, but I am happy enough when my colleagues all said that lucky me because the ones on my face are not visibly seen :) I guess the healthy food that I ate during the sick days helped me a lot. I took care of of my food intakes, no fried food, only plain porridge, vege soup and loads of fruits. Yes, everyday for 2 weeks. Due to that also, I've lost several weight. Need to gain back, need a bit flesh so that I will not end up looking dull and haggard on the big day.

Talking about the big day, I only have around 17 days before it happens. Gulpp. Not much to mention here regarding the day, like I said, it is yet to come. For the time being, I go with the flow, I hum with the rhyme. When the flow gets fast, I run faster, but sometimes, running may cause you to slip or to stumble. Be prepared to get up and have faith to continue running until you meet the end line. I've faced some issues along the journey, and that is my mantra to fight back the nuisances. Some say that along the road to the happily-ever-after thingy, one will get tested with loads of things. Some say it is just a myth. But some say it is fact. As for me, I've slipped and I've stumbled, somehow I do agree that it is fact. Be strong and always-always have faith. When He gets you to it, He will definitely gets you through it :) Well peeps, enough of these ramblings. Hey, I did promised to you guys to show my invitation card that I myself design. So, here it is :)

My own design. My own selection of paper type. And to print this, it only cost me soooooo much less than RM1 per piece. Savvy? :)


1 comment:

  1. Eh Jehan i really love ur design.but u know what..td i pegi pameran pengantin,ade satu kad ni almost the same like urs... :D
