29 April 2011

Sneak Peek

As promised these are some photos of my preparation for my E-day that I can share with all of you. Almost all of the things I did on my own. The best part is, I even put my own touch on my engagement dress and it turned out to be exactly like I always want it to be. Yay!

This is my idea. I sketched this. Sorry if it looks silly. As a design student, I was trained to be extra good in manual sketching, but I kinda lost it the moment I got my first job. And it was like 5 years back. Sad.

This is the result. It doesn't seem to go far off from my original idea, innit? You will have a full  preview on it soon darlings! :D

Shoes selection for him. Purposely picked this brand since it got BEAR written on the tag. Lol.

A simple card for my gift bag. I designed and have them printed out. I even self cut these thing. DIY 01.

The 1st mock-up of my Hantarans. All the color concept, materials and etcetera are my personal exceptions. These are what I want. Simple, cute & bright. DIY 02. 

 The final presentation of my Hantarans. I had the Dulang sprayed with white color since gold color doesn't seem so right with my whole concept. This is my first attempt on designing Dulang Hantarans, and I hope it doesn't look ridiculous or awkward. Lol. DIY 03.

❤ And I would like to say thank you so much to my darling BF, Noii, Nena, Nadia & Rafidah for being so helpful and supportive to me. Thanks sayangs! Much love from me 



  1. suka tang card tu!
    simple tapi menarik..:D

  2. pretty cool and me also DIY all my hantaran....feeling awesome huh if we manage to express what we want during our big day...congrats in advance jehan..kind of excited real all your post about ur e-day...hihihi... terasa mcm nak tunang lagik..hahahaahaha(,")

  3. pretty cool and me also DIY all my hantaran....feeling awesome huh if we manage to express what we want during our big day...congrats in advance jehan..kind of excited real all your post about ur e-day...hihihi... terasa mcm nak tunang lagik..hahahaahaha(,")

  4. congrat jiji :) wish u hepily eva afta :)
